Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Has your heart been turned aside due to condemnation from the devil? If you can answer yes, this message will be very helpful to you in your walk with Jesus.
Today's message is a powerful message focusing primarily upon 1 John Chapter 3 and 1 John Chapter 2. Let Jesus bring you into victory over all the works of the devil.
Have you entered through the narrow gate? Is the living water flowing from within you?
This message is about the process that will take all of us, sometimes multiple times if necessary. Do you desire deliverance today?
Are you willing to ask the question as to whether or not you have backslid? It's a vital question to ask as you listen along today...
Are you willing to deal honestly with Jesus and put off the old man? Listen to today's message laying this out clearly.
Jesus is the true vine but all other vines must be cut off. Are you willing to cut it off??
Join us for our weekly prayer time held earlier this afternoon.
There's a final test we must all undergo, if we are to enter the kingdom of God. Listen to Pastor Ray lay this out in today's message.