Cry Out To The Lord For The Darkness Is Upon Us!Will you cry out for deliverance by Jesus for the church?Pastor RayAugust 13, 2021ProphecyRead MoreCry Out To The Lord For The Darkness Is Upon Us!
FEAR NOT What Is Coming Upon AmericaAre you in fear of what's coming or is everything been given to Jesus?Pastor RayAugust 12, 2021ProphecyRead MoreFEAR NOT What Is Coming Upon America
Finally The Bondage Is Broken!Has Jesus broken the bondage of pride in your heart?Pastor RayAugust 11, 2021Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreFinally The Bondage Is Broken!
Salvation Is Found Only In JesusHave you been fully converted or is there a root of Egypt still in your heart?Pastor RayAugust 10, 2021New Birth and RestorationRead MoreSalvation Is Found Only In Jesus
The Day Of Judgment Is Upon AmericaThe story of the Israelites is simply a dress rehearsal for the end of time.Pastor RayAugust 9, 2021ProphecyRead MoreThe Day Of Judgment Is Upon America
Pray Let My People Go!Thanks for calling in today. Join us next Friday for prayer from 1-2 pm.Pastor RayAugust 6, 2021PrayerRead MorePray Let My People Go!
Don’t Make God Harden Your HeartAre you willing to offer your whole heart to Jesus on the altar once for all...Pastor RayAugust 5, 2021Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreDon’t Make God Harden Your Heart
Now You Will See What The Lord Can Do!Pastor Ray outlines the pathway to deliverance for anyone willing to meet the conditions!Pastor RayAugust 3, 2021PrayerRead MoreNow You Will See What The Lord Can Do!
The Price Of The Anointing?Are you willing to the pay the price of the anointing? Pastor RayAugust 2, 2021TeachingRead MoreThe Price Of The Anointing?