Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
If you feel that you're in a prison of sorts as a follower of Jesus, then we'd highly suggest that you invest the time to listen to today's encore sermon.
Is your life a sacrificial offering to God?
Personal testimony of Pastor Ray.
Transition from Romans 7 to 8 we all must make...
Don't resist the Holy Spirit, it's simply not worth it...
Have you already or are you willing to make the transition from Romans 7 to 8?
Will you allow the Holy Spirit to show you if you're a Romans 7 or Romans 8 Christian?
In the final analysis, we all must be left alone with God, for God to deal with us as He did with Jacob.
Are you willing to cry out to Jesus to remove these thorns of destruction from your heart?
n Chapter 2, Pastor Ray describes the parallel between his life and the life of Pastor Miller. Are you willing to pay the price for revival to come? Have you come to the end of yourself?
Pastor Ray’s heart cry is for the divine love of Jesus to be poured out until the Holy Spirit comes. Is that your heart too?