Specific PrayerPrayer is not a sentimental task but geared toward obtaining specific answers and direction from the Almighty.Pastor RayFebruary 28, 2018PrayerRead MoreSpecific Prayer
Revival PrayerHave you come to the end of yourself?Pastor RayFebruary 25, 2018PrayerRead MoreRevival Prayer
The Way of Ishmael (2004)We must lay all our attempts to create something for God, apart from Him.Pastor RayFebruary 19, 2018TestimoniesRead MoreThe Way of Ishmael (2004)
The Open Hand of God (2017)Don't delay in your repentance, the door of salvation is open to you!Pastor RayFebruary 16, 2018TeachingRead MoreThe Open Hand of God (2017)
A Place of CrushingHave you been crushed at Gethsemane, resulting in a pouring out of the oil?Pastor RayFebruary 9, 2018Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreA Place of Crushing
Birthing RevivalAre you a Hannah or an Eli? We're called to be the bride of Christ, have you left the altar?Pastor RayFebruary 4, 2018Christian LifeRead MoreBirthing Revival