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The Courage (to Trust Jesus)

We must have the courage to trust Jesus as our only source of sustenance and life and to cut off everything that is not of Jesus.

11-24-2015 The Courage (to Trust Jesus) - Pilgrim’s Progress Broadcast

Does God answer your prayers? Are you crying out to God knowing that if he does not answer, you will die? Or have you grown indifferent by his lack of response? If God is not answering our prayers, it is a spiritual warning that we are not getting our life’s sustenance from Christ. Instead, like the church of Laodicea, we are in the dangerous place of being blind to our own wretchedness, with no inner awareness that we are walking in hostility towards the people around us and towards God. Real, imparted–not just imputed–righteousness is needed to enter the kingdom of heaven. We must have the courage to trust Jesus as our only source of sustenance and life and to cut off everything that is not of Jesus. Will you allow Jesus to rule over your heart in all things, or will you get angry?