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William Bramwell, Apostle of Prayer

Like William Bramwell, knew and experienced the wonderful gift of entire sanctification, are you willing to cry out to Jesus for this precious gift, knowing that it will cost you everything?

03-17-2016 Felix Neff, The Brainerd of the High Alps - Pilgrim's Progress Radio Broadcast

(NOTE: We are back with new broadcasts but are still experiencing some technical issues. We lost some of this broadcast and the sound quality isn’t quite up to par. Please be patient as we work with WAVA to address these issues.)

Today’s broadcast is the first in the series from a wonderful set of books entitled “They Knew Their God” (see top of page for more info). It deals with the life of William Bramwell, who knew and experienced the wonderful gift of entire sanctification, are you willing to cry out to Jesus for this precious gift, knowing that it will cost you everything?