Who Will You Trust?

This is a critically important message to Christians or those who want to become Christians on whom do we trust? Do you trust Jesus or do you trust yourself??
8-14-2024  - Who Will You Trust

Scriptures Used During Today’s Broadcast: Exodus 3, Matthew 6, Isaiah 30

On today’s special broadcast, Pastor Ray weaves seemingly unrelated scriptures from the three chapters above to lay out the need for us to put all of our trust in Jesus. As a Christian, we’re standing on Holy Ground and he provides a basis for that from the Lord’s Prayer in the Sermon on the Mount. What does that mean in terms of subtraction from our old life and what are the new things that Jesus wants to bring us (as we’re standing on Holy ground)? You’ll have to glean the particulars by listening to the message.

Are you distracted from the Holy Ground (as Pastor Ray explains)? This is a most precious sermon and will result in some incredible changes in your life, so are you really trusting Jesus or not? Are you willing to be honest with Him (that’s the only way to grow up is to be honest and transparent before Jesus)?

We wanted to provide a “short” today but there’s too much content and you need to grab ahold of all of it, if you really want to benefit from the message today.