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What Are Your Expections of Jesus – (2004 Broadcast)

Listen to this old message that is so powerful to deal with false expectations.

Scriptures Used During Today’s Broadcast: Matthew 3, Matthew 4, Matthew 11

This broadcast from a Radio broadcast called Springs of Living Water, with Pastors Ray and Jan Greenley, begins with the last prophet before Jesus, John the Baptist. They walk through an overview of his life to get to today’s primary topic, our expectations.

Every man, every woman who preaches anything other than repent has not been to the desert. Well, Ray, Peter came out the same way. Repent. Paul started out. Repent. I mean, it’s not just John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. It’s followed down through all the apostles.

Pastors Ray and Jan during today’s broadcast

Where do the expectations come from? You’ll need to listen to understand but these expectations are subtle and come from many sources. Here is a powerful quote from our beloved Pastor Jan.

Do you have expectations of Jesus? And has he met those expectations? And are those your expectations? Are those the expectations of the gospel that the blind will see and the deaf will hear? That’s what the word of God says. And do you have the expectations that you think something’s going to happen for you differently than what’s happening and you’re mad?

Pastor Jan during today’s message

We pray that you dare to deal with these expectations, repent, and hear the call to lay everything down, under the control of King Jesus. Will you let Him be your King?

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