Ark of the Covenant

The Everlasting Covenant Unveiled – 2013

Pastor Ray continues with the life of Abraham and unveils the everlasting covenant and its requirements laid out by Jesus.

Scriptures Used During today’s broadcast: Ephesians 1, Genesis 13, Genesis 15, Titus 2

” We’re told in the New Testament that only those who have received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, who have been willing to deny themselves, take up their cross, be crucified and follow Jesus will enter into the eternal dwellings.”

Pastor Ray During Today’s Message

Pastor Ray opens today’s broadcast with a slow, methodical explanation of the old and the new (or everlasting) covenants. The question is not whether you have accepted Jesus but has Jesus accepted you? What are the requirements of the everlasting covenant? Have you met these requirements or has your cup of wickedness been filled? Today is the day of salvation to those who will turn from their sin!

“A man or woman with no moral fiber should not expect to enter into the kingdom of God. A man or woman who chooses not to say no to the lust of the flesh cannot be saved. The power to say no to the lust of the flesh, to pride, to anger, to bitterness, to stealing, to hating – the power to say no to all of these things is found in the blood of Jesus Christ.”

Pastor Ray during today’s broadcast

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