Expect The Holy SpiritDo you expect the Holy Spirit to come in power in your life? That His desire but you must meet the conditions.Pastor RayJanuary 25, 2024Deeper LifeRead MoreExpect The Holy Spirit
The Coldness Of My Heart Betrays MeAs the introduction to a new series on the book of Romans, Pastor Ray identifies causes of a cold heart to Jesus.Pastor RayOctober 2, 2023Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreThe Coldness Of My Heart Betrays Me
STOP RESISTING THE HOLY SPIRIT!This road to crucifixion has been blocked by our resistance to the Holy Spirit, as we have substituted other ways to salvation or have simply been sidetracked in our foolishness.Pastor RayMay 23, 2023Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreSTOP RESISTING THE HOLY SPIRIT!
Have You Been Scammed?Do you realize you likely have been scammed by the lies of the modern church? Listen along and find out more!Pastor RayMarch 1, 2023LiesRead MoreHave You Been Scammed?
Grace Reigns By Means Of RighteousnessHave you died to all sin or are under a false covering of grace?Pastor RayFebruary 1, 2023TeachingRead MoreGrace Reigns By Means Of Righteousness