Why Will You Die In Your Sin?Listen very closely as Pastor Ray methodically goes through the lies of the modern church that can and will send you and I to hell lest we repent.Pastor RayNovember 16, 2022Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreWhy Will You Die In Your Sin?
No Compromise!It's time to tear all the idols down and not compromise with darkness in any way, are you willing to join in?Pastor RayAugust 9, 2022Christian LifeRead MoreNo Compromise!
The Battle Is In Your MindDo you see where the real battle is at for your soul? Listen to today's podcast to find out how this works...Pastor RayJuly 18, 2022Spiritual BattleRead MoreThe Battle Is In Your Mind
Are You Prepared To Meet Jesus?This isn't an intellectual question because it costs everything to follow Jesus, have you paid the price or are you holding onto idols?Pastor RayJune 30, 2022Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreAre You Prepared To Meet Jesus?
Finally The Bondage Is Broken!Has Jesus broken the bondage of pride in your heart?Pastor RayAugust 11, 2021Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreFinally The Bondage Is Broken!