Sin, Faith, Duty

Today's message is a step back to see where we're at and what Jesus is bringing to our land. It's time to get ready if you've not done so already.
7-30-2024  Sin, Faith, Duty

Scriptures Used During Today’s Broadcast: Galatians 5, Galatians 6, Luke 17

Today’s broadcast is a very practical message for the difficult times that we will immediately face. We need to make sure we’ve addressed all sin in our hearts, which is accomplished through confessioin and repentance.

Secondly, we need to spend an adequate amount of time with the Lord in prayer and scriptures to build up our faith, so that we’ll be strong to face the dark days ahead. Finally, we need to fulfill our duty both to God and to each other through a pouring out one to another, especially the lost and dying.

Pastor Ray’s prayer at the end of the broadcast provides an excellent summation of the message:

“Lord, I see the great judgment that is going to come upon America in order to awaken the hearts of your people and I recognize that when this judgment comes, many will turn in repentance and revival will come to America. And I recognize, Lord, we’ve all wanted revival but not if it means we’re made uncomfortable and not if we lose everything. But You said, don’t look back, don’t look back. Look to heaven. So, Lord, I come today with a commitment to do all in my power to prepare for this time. And to seek your face with all of my heart. To obey you in every respect. And to walk in love and joy and peace with my brothers and sisters. So, Lord, please direct our steps. Show us how to prepare. First, how to prepare our hearts. And then how to prepare our physical life. And then how to prepare for our precious families. Lord, we open our hearts. And we say, yes, we understand why you need to bring this judgment against money to America. We understand why many will die with disease and plague. But, Lord, I know you will carry us through and our eyes are upon you, Jesus.

Pastor Ray’s prayer at the end of today’s broadcast