tomb, remember, death

Remember Our Lord

The title of the broadcast is the key to the message today. Is the cry of your heart to remember Jesus?
8-05-2024  Remember Our Lord

Scriptures Used During Today’s Broadcast: Luke 5:1-11, 2 Peter 3, Romans 6, 1 John 1, 1 John 2

Pastor Ray lays out a profile of the life of Peter from the time he was called to become a follower of Jesus until he too was crucified, along with his wife, because of his walk with Jesus. 2 Peter 3 was the last chapter of this epistle he wrote before he was crucified.

Listen closely as Pastor Ray slowly slowly reads this chapter. After you listen, you’ll understand the significance of the title. Are you willing to embrace whatever Jesus has for you, regardless of the personal cost to you and perhaps your spouse? We’re included the quote from the last part of the broadcast as a reminder to many of you.

“The blood of Jesus Christ purifies a man or a woman. As you submit to Jesus, He will cleanse you. it’s not by works.

A reminder from Pastor Ray during today’s message