a large wooden boat sitting on top of a beach

Present Yourself Righteous Before The Lord

Are you willing to present yourself righteous (or innocent) before the Lord, laying down everything before Him? Are you resting in the ark of safety or are you rowing your own boat in the storm?

1-27-2025 - Present Yourself Righteous Before The Lord

Scriptures Used During Today’s Message: Genesis 6, 2 Peter 2, John 10, Romans 6, Romans 12,

On today’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Pastor Ray walks us through the story of Noah to create a picture of what Jesus is looking for from us. As God shut the door of the ark, He will do the same for us if we don’t enter the ark. Don’t let God pass you by because of the hardness of your heart.

Have you entered the door of salvation, Jesus himself, and laid down everything to follow Him? Are you a slave of innocence or are you a slave of wickedness?