Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
God's kindness leads us to repentance, which leads into this life in the Spirit but we have to leave the flesh behind. Have you made that choice to do that?
All will be sifted who say that Jesus is everything to them. Find out what the purpose of the sifting process is as you listen to Pastor Ray today.
In today's message, Pastor Ray lays out the purpose of the law in a clear, succinct way. Are you still the law?
Hear the call of Jesus through the Holy Spirit to get serious about following Him. Pastor Ray lays out some thoughts from Frank Bartleman on today's broadcast.
The starting point for many of us who have left our sinful lives is to recognize our ignorance of the real Gospel and the lack of the dynamite power of the Holy Spirit. May this message increase your hunger for Jesus.
Are you willing to present yourself righteous (or innocent) before the Lord, laying down everything before Him? Are you resting in the ark of safety or are you rowing your own boat in the storm?
Listen as Pastor Ray lays out the door of Achor that will become a door of hope, if we're willing to be honest about who we are before God and meet His conditions. This work of redemption is an awesome work that only God can do in us.
Today's message is a combination of Psalm 27 and Matthew 6, which go hand in hand. The secret to getting through in difficult times is to trust in the Lord!
Pastor Ray lays out the foundation for his preaching on today's Pilgrim's Progress. It's simple, straightforward and straight from the word of God.
Do you have the joy of living in Jesus? Have you been crucified once-for-all with Jesus and has He resurrected you from the dead?
Hear the word of the Lord to our hearts to get serious with Jesus and to leave all of the lies of the modern church that declare we can never have the victory of sin through the blood of Jesus.
Can you see what God is calling for and what He wants to do in your life? May we lay down all of our self-centeredness and say yes to Jesus.