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Our best will never do, the question is not whether you've been banished from the presence of God, the question is whether you will remain so or not?

Moral Insanity (October 4, 2015)

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Through the blood of Jesus, we must overcome the human heart's tendency toward fatalism, which results in a moral morass, where where not only may give up but also where self reigns supreme.

My God Will Hear Me


Pastor Ray integrates the story of a dear brother, Charles Simeon (from the "They Knew Their God" series), with Micah 7. This dear brother was hidden away and largely scorned.

Set Your Heart on Jesus

Set Apart

Pastor Ray asks the question have you made an acceptable offering before the Lord, where you have divorced your sin and have been crucified with Christ or have you offered a profane offering before the Lord?

I Will Not Be Mine

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Pastor Ray talks about the four key doctrines of Gerhard Tersteegen and many churches in the late 17th century. Make that choice to allow Jesus to go all the way to the bottom in your heart.

Walking in the Light

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"We must depart from ourselves in order to enter into Him. This exit and entrance is the basis and most essential act of godliness because by it, we restore to God what is His-I mean ourselves, thoroughly, wholly and irrevocably." Gerhard Tersteegen