Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Today's welcome is from Psalms 138, will you follow along?
Have you made that decision to “go through” with God?
Do you believe that God can and will move in the physical realm as we begin to seek His face and not His hand?
The question that we all must answer will we heed the call to grow up into maturity in Jesus or not?
Listen to the message and resolve in your heart to get right with God, regardless of the cost.
Will we choose to receive only from the hand of the Lord or do we have to reach out and grab it ourselves?
In today's classic sermon, Pastor Ray distinguishes the "Life on God's Terms" with the "Kingdom of Cain" who wanted to have be in charge of his own life.
Using the life of Daniel, Pastor Ray illustrates what it means to have our life on God's terms and what that actually looks like.
Isn't it time to go on from the milk to solid food? It's time to move on to maturity (perfection, completion).
Listen to the broadcast and hear about the linear nature of the Gospel, Jesus doesn't leave us to die in our sin. Jesus came to sózó (save) us.
Pastor explains the process of being saved, through the story of Peter and the infirmed woman in Luke 13.
Do you want Jesus to save you completely from your sin?