Do you understand that the last call is going forth and the question is whether you will trust in the name of the Lord or will you go the way of the devil (in bitterness, anger and judgment)?
It's time to prepare as the great empire of Babylon is now falling. Are you using your time to get ready?
Here the one last call from Jesus, the primary focus being on Revelation 14 and 1 John 3.
The title of the broadcast is the key to the message today. Is the cry of your heart to remember Jesus?
What's the key to this walk with Jesus? Find out what Jesus is after in you and me as you listen along to this powerful message.
Today's message is a warning that the Lord is coming and the book of Jude is a polemic to all who would pervert the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Today's message is chalked full of scriptures and preaching on the great need of prayer. We generally don't pray unless we have to, are you desperate enough?
Today's message is a step back to see where we're at and what Jesus is bringing to our land. It's time to get ready if you've not done so already.
Hear the call from today's parable in Luke 16 to leave all selfishness behind and to pour out to others in self-sacrificing love. That's the call to every Christian.
Listen to this powerful message about our great need of the lamb of deliverance (this is Jesus) and the rejection of this lamb by Cain, the eldest son of Adam and Eve.
Are you a lost sheep willing to be transformed by Jesus as you repent and surrender your life or are you simply lost in the morass of your own iniquity?
God lost us due to the craftiness of the serpent but never gave up and implemented his plan of redemption for your heart and soul. Will you seek Jesus while you can still find Him?