Oldest to Newest Messages

Sleeping in the Midst of Glory (2015)

Are you asleep in the midst of the glory that God wants to bring into your life?

Be Still My Soul

Find out today if your salvation is based on your behavior?

The Devil Will Run

Today is your day for deliverance if you’ll meet these simple conditions laid out in the scriptures!

Let’s Get Real About Jesus

Are you serious about serving and following Jesus??

The Bitter Sweet Of Following Jesus

Do you know the bitterness and sweetness that comes in this walk with Jesus?

Pray For Conviction Of Truth

Join us for our weekly Friday prayer meeting!

The Journey Home

Are you on the journey home evidenced by your continual submission to Jesus?

The War For Your Soul

Do you recognize the war you’re in and what your cornerstone is?

A Position Gained by Grace – 2006

Have you obtained a position gained by grace? Find out what that means by listening to today’s message.

Time Time to be Holy – (2006)

A warning to spend our time upon preparing for eternity…

Living in a Day of Irreverence (2015)

Can you get by without the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life? If your answer is no, this

Set Aside For Disobedience

Have you been put aside by Jesus due to your disobedience?

The Trap For Your Soul

Are you aware of the traps the devil sets for you to ensnare you and pull you away from Jesus?

Set Apart Christ As Lord

What’s been the focus of your Christian walk? Listen closely to this revelatory message.

The Holy Spirit Took My Binkie

Have you allowed the Holy Spirit to take any binkie you may have?

Please Pray

Join us for our weekly prayer meeting held earlier today!

The Final Transaction

Have you willingly entered into that final transaction with God???

Entering Into Jesus

The account of Rees Howell’s final transaction is recounted today…

Showing Forth The Life Of Christ

Pastor Ray lays out the way of epignosis (experiential knowledge (of God and Christ)) and contrasts that to gnosis (secret

There is a Way That Seems Right (2008)

Are you going your own way or are you going the way of the Lord?

One Step From Judgment (2015)

A powerful message and cautionary tale for all of us…