Oldest to Newest Messages

Is God Calling?

Is God calling you and do you have ears to hear?

The Wine of Jesus Love

It’s the kindness of God that leads to repentance.

Do Not Insult the Spirit of God!

How do we insult the Holy Spirit?

Lift Up Jesus

Are you lifting up Jesus or someone else (namely you)…

The Work of the Gospel

An offertory (i.e. offering) call…

Jesus is All the World to Me

Whom do you treasure most?

On Air Prayer Meeting

Live prayer call in

New Life Is In Christ Jesus

Do you this new life in Christ?

A Pure Heart

Has Jesus given you a pure heart?

The Key to True Revival

What is the key to true revival?

The Joy of Salvation

Have you walked through the 5th chapter of Romans?

The Bitterness of a Hard Heart – 2004

Where does bitterness of a hard heart come from?

When Repentance is Not Enough

The painful story of King Hezekiah…

When Jesus is Far Away

How far away are you from Jesus?

The True Meaning of Pentecost

Do you understand the true meaning of Pentecost?

Return to the Lord

Are you willing to meet the condition for the Holy Spirit to be poured out through you?

God Is Ready To Judge The Living And The Dead

Do you know God’s justice is real?

Signs of the End of the Age

Where are the markers for the end of time?

The Ten Virgins

Are you a wise or a foolish virgin?

He Is the Bread of Heaven

Who is the “breadwinner” in your family?

Flee From the Wrath to Come

Are you like “Graceless” in Pilgrim’s Progress fleeing the wrath to come?