Oldest to Newest Messages

Too Proud to Bow Down?

Are you too proud to bow before Jesus?

Stop Being Afraid!

Cast all fear upon Jesus as you surrender.

Overjoyed With Jesus!

Is your heart overjoyed with Jesus today, His might, His power, His kindness to you?

Then Came Jesus!

Then Jesus Came by Clyde Kirby

The First Love – 2004

Today’s message cuts against the false sentimentality of Christmas, with the question of what is your first love?

Heavenly Visitation-Revival In Argentina

More from the Argentina revival with an important teaching on flesh vs. spirit…

God’s Answer – Revival in Argentina!

Our prayer is you’re willing to cry out for this power to come in this nation, as we so desperately

A Child is Born – 2005

Look out when Jesus shows up in someone’s life!

No One Wants to Hear -Revival in Argentina

Are you asleep in the light??

Faith Came Into My Heart

Story of revival and sacrificial giving by listeners, a dynamic combination!

Draw a Line in the Sand (Revival in Argentina)

Have you drawn a line in the sand against all darkness?

Provoked to Pray – 2004

Has God provoked you to pray?

A Life in Christ – 2004

Are you willing to end all self-centeredness?

The Place of His Presence

We’re called by Jesus to be more than converted but rather we’re called to be disciples. That’s the real life

Deny Your Unbelief – and Pray! – 2005

The question that we must answer is whether we will deny our unbelief and pray?

Redeemed for Worship – The Story of Moses

Today Pastor Ray begins a new study of the book of Exodus. If you’re a Christian, he has redeemed you

Moses at the Burning Bush

What three things is God after during this desert time?

The Demand of the Doubting Heart

Do you have a doubting heart toward Jesus?

Moses Called to Serve

Are you willing to serve Jesus come what may?

The School of the Holy Spirit! (2015)

Have you entered the school of the Holy Spirit?

The Great Controversy

Where are you in this great controversy?