Healing the Pains of the Past (2008)Healing the Pains of the Past (2008)Know today that the heart of Jesus is to heal the pains of your heart and this simply requires repentanceContinue reading Healing the Pains of the Past (2008) EnduranceEnduranceJesus calls us to love and trust Him through all circumstances – to endure instead of complain or grumble Determined to Be a Doulos of JesusDetermined to Be a Doulos of JesusAre you determined to be a doulos of Jesus? The Journey of Faith (October 2016)The Journey of Faith (October 2016)Are you conscious of the journey that you are on and where the journey will take you? God’s Redemptive Plan for the Church!God’s Redemptive Plan for the Church!The church, Jesus’ bride will overcome and be forever holy. The question is whether you’ll be a part of theContinue reading God’s Redemptive Plan for the Church! The Scourge of Pride (October 2016)The Scourge of Pride (October 2016)If you’re sold out to Jesus and willing to let Him do whatever He chooses in your heart, this messageContinue reading The Scourge of Pride (October 2016) The Unfinished Work (October 2016)The Unfinished Work (October 2016)Jephthah’s daughter’s walk at the end of her life describes the process we must go through as go as weContinue reading The Unfinished Work (October 2016) Lord, Pull Me Through!Lord, Pull Me Through!The Gospel is not a self-help, self-improvement program but does require a volitional submission to Jesus. Do Not Force God to Leave You!Do Not Force God to Leave You!Do not by your impenitence or simply your ignorance, force God to leave you! Unspotted by the WorldUnspotted by the WorldThe modern church’s denial of entire sanctification is simply a refusal to submit to Jesus. November 2016 Offertory (Ephesians)November 2016 Offertory (Ephesians)1st Offertory for November Another November 2016 Offertory Day (Psalm 23)Another November 2016 Offertory Day (Psalm 23)Offertory A New CreationA New CreationA close look at the original Greek text overturns a cornerstone of this false gospel: Jesus did not become sin.Continue reading A New Creation Faith and Works!Faith and Works!Are your words and your deeds congruent? Only a Single Seed (2005)Only a Single Seed (2005)In today’s sermon, Pastor Ray focuses on what it means to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Jesus,Continue reading Only a Single Seed (2005) Send the Rain!Send the Rain!Have you, by faith, been made righteous so that you can cooperate with Jesus in His revival plan? Jesus IS the AtonementJesus IS the AtonementAn in-depth look at Scripture, …reveals that Jesus Christ is atonement and that he offered himself to forgive our pastContinue reading Jesus IS the Atonement Stop Fighting with the Devil! (2004)Stop Fighting with the Devil! (2004)Are you duck walking with Jesus? Do you have one foot in Jesus and one foot in the world? The Foundation of Prayer (Encore)The Foundation of Prayer (Encore)The foundation needed to prevail in prayer begins with repentance and being made righteous by faith in Christ. Words of LifeWords of LifeWill you make the decision to be both thoughtful and deliberate in your speech, so that you remain in theContinue reading Words of Life The Two-Fold Work of Jesus ChristThe Two-Fold Work of Jesus ChristThe atonement and its benefits are two distinct works that were prefigured by the two goats of the sin offeringContinue reading The Two-Fold Work of Jesus Christ « Previous 1 … 16 17 18 19 20 … 109 Next »