
Make Disciples of All Nations!

Are you fulfilling the Great Commission in your walk with Jesus or are you focused solely on your own life, your own piety, etc.
9-29-2017 Make Disciples of All Nations! - Pilgrim's Progress Radio Broadcast

In this special broadcast, missionary Jim Kerwin, founder of the organization Finest of the Wheat, shares his recent experiences in Central America. Taking to heart Jesus’ Great Commission to make disciples of all nations, Brother Jim teaches hermeneutics to pastors, Sunday school teachers, and other ministers.

These bright, enthusiastic Christians often have only a sixth grade education. Many live in communities that lack basic plumbing or paved roads. Yet, these ministers are eager and hungry for the Word of God. They yearn to fulfill the Great Commission. So, all day, they listen to Brother Jim teach in 95-degree weather. As these Christian leaders learn how to read the Bible, their churches are transformed! Even the children win souls to Jesus through their schools.

If you would like to help these pastors, check out Brother Jim’s Sacred Treasure House Initiative!