beginning to rain, wide angle photo of body of water under cloudy sky

It’s Beginning To Rain

Will you put all of your confidence in Jesus that it's beginning to rain, even though it may feel the polar opposite is true? Stay on God's side and trust Him to rescue you!
9-24-2024  It's Beginning To Rain
It’s Beginning to Rain!

Scriptures Used in Today’s Broadcast: Ruth 2

Our story of Ruth and Naomi continues on today’s Pilgrim’s Progress. It appeared that Ruth and Naomi had bottomed out as they headed back to the House of Bread (i.e. Bethlehem). We begin to see the rain break out today in the spirit, even though everything appears dead and dying.

So the question to ask as you’re listening to the message is, have you decided that you’ll absolutely and resolutely trust Jesus in your life, come what may or are you going to try and go to Moab, to make it through the famine in your life? Stand with Jesus and let Him rescue you come what may.

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