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He Must Become Greater

Hear the call of the Holy Spirit to allow Jesus to increase and us to decrease, that's what God wants for every Christian. That's the way through the storm that is coming upon on us.
8-15-2024  -He Must Become Greater

Scriptures Used During Today’s Broadcast: John 3:30, Matthew 4, Matthew 6:33,

The great need of our heart, is that Jesus must increase and we must decrease. Pastor Ray goes through the temptation of Jesus in Matthew 4.

It’s amazing after the power of the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus, he didn’t follow the course we would have imagined. He demonstrated great power through His humility, that’s the path He’s calling you and I to follow.

Spiritual warfare is mainly about humbling my heart.” Pastor Ray during the message today.

Can you see that need in your own heart or are you striving to be somebody, trying to prove something for some reason you may be totally unaware of? We can never have too much humility, may this message draw your heart to Jesus in great humility.

“(t)he only source you have in the Christian life of power is not your skill or your ability. it’s not being somebody, it’s letting Jesus be somebody.”

Pastor Ray during today’s sermon