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God Can Save Anyone

NOTHING is impossible with God but you must meet the conditions for deliverances, are you willing?

God Can Save Anyone, "Pilgrim's Progress" Radio Broadcast (12-19-2018)

As our Christmas gift to you, we share a powerful story from the life of G.C. Bevington. In answer to one man’s prayers, the Holy Spirit led Bevington to Chattanooga, Tennessee. On arrival, he was told to preach that night. At the meeting, church members tried to remove a man who’d been an alcoholic for 10 years. Bevington insisted that he stay. The two spent hours wrestling while Bevington prayed for the demon of whiskey to come out. This man and his estranged wife–who was also an alcoholic–were radically saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Spirit. You will hear firsthand what the angel meant when he said, “he shall save his people from their sins!”