woman in brown coat and blue denim jeans walking on wooden bridge during daytime

Everything Counts with God (2013)

We see that everything does count in this walk with God toward the Celestial City. Are you like Abraham or like Lot in your walk with Jesus?

“There is a truth that is beginning to grow in my soul, and that truth is that even my very breath is in the hand of God, that everything that I do and say, everything that I express, the very depth of my life itself are all in the hands of God, and that things do not happen in my life by chance, but rather everything that occurs in my life is the result of cause and effect.

Pastor Ray at the beginning of today’s broadcast

Join us for the third rebroadcast in a series on the life of Abraham. We pray that you will ask the Holy Spirit to show you your own journey to the Celestial City as you listen along.

Scriptures Used During Today’s Broadcast: Genesis 13, Genesis 14, Genesis 15

We’re continuing with the pilgrimage of Abraham today and on today’s broadcast, we see even more clearly the distinctions between Abraham and his nephew Lot. Which one of these characters would most resemble your walk with Jesus? Have you given everything into the hands of Jesus via a covenant or are you focused on what you desire or what you believe you need?

Nowhere in the Scriptures is unconditional love taught. Rather, unfailing love is taught. That’s dramatically different. The unfailing love of God is willing to burn Sodom and Gomorrah to a crisp and utterly destroy it as a warning for all ages that God will not tolerate wickedness forever.

“It’s time for us to stop hiding from the wrath of God and begin to recognize that we must flee from that wrath, and the only resting place available to us is found in total and complete surrender to Jesus Christ.”

Pastor Ray During Today’s Broadcast

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