Do Not Drift (2008)

Have you drifted away from Jesus? If so, you should listen to this message...

Saul, the first king of Israel, began his rule in obedience to God. However, Saul rejected the Holy Spirit’s efforts to fully sanctify him. As Saul clung to his pride, greater and greater sins emerged. Though he could have repented, he continued to drift. Finally, he ended up dead in a witch’s house. And the Lord repented of having made Saul king.

This story warns Christians today not to drift. In other words, we are not to turn to pride, attempting to do God’s work in our own strength. God calls us to walk in obedience to his Spirit. As we trust him and step out in faith, the Spirit of God will meet us and give us grace to do what he’s asked.

Have you drifted from God? If so, God is calling you to repent as you did when you first became a Christian, and return to him! And if you are walking in obedience to God, let this story be a warning and encouragement to stay the course!