The Wilderness JourneyHave you been brought into the desert with Jesus? If not, it's time to heed the call of the Holy Spirit.Pastor RayAugust 17, 2021TestimoniesRead MoreThe Wilderness Journey
From Graceless to Christian – 2012Have you made the transition from Graceless to Christian or do you still reside in the City of Destruction?Pastor RayJune 8, 2021TestimoniesRead MoreFrom Graceless to Christian – 2012
A Pentecost Kinsman RedeemerFind out today why Ruth was not bitter...Pastor RayMay 19, 2021TestimoniesRead MoreA Pentecost Kinsman Redeemer
A Pentecost Love StoryAre you a Ruth or a Naomi? There is redemption for both, if we meet the conditions.Pastor RayMay 18, 2021TestimoniesRead MoreA Pentecost Love Story
My Greatest SinPastor Ray describes the greatest sin (and most subtle sin) of most believers.Pastor RayMarch 8, 2021TestimoniesRead MoreMy Greatest Sin
My Great Agony of SoulWhat is the great agony of your soul?Pastor RayFebruary 16, 2021TestimoniesRead MoreMy Great Agony of Soul
Hannah Raised From The DustAre you willing to enter a vow with God that all that you have or will be is His and that He can use you in whatever way He chooses?Pastor RayFebruary 2, 2021TestimoniesRead MoreHannah Raised From The Dust
Blind Bartimaeus, What Do You Really Want?Dear one what do you really want from Jesus???Pastor RayJanuary 21, 2021TestimoniesRead MoreBlind Bartimaeus, What Do You Really Want?
Shaped By The Cross, Arthur BlessittHow have you been shaped by the cross?Pastor RayNovember 16, 2020TestimoniesRead MoreShaped By The Cross, Arthur Blessitt
Sodom and GomorrahStand against the darkness in love and mercy...Pastor RayNovember 4, 2020TestimoniesRead MoreSodom and Gomorrah
The Beginning of the Great Argentine Revival – 2018The story of revival in Argentina!Pastor RayJuly 15, 2020TestimoniesRead MoreThe Beginning of the Great Argentine Revival – 2018
The Elder BrotherAre you the stoic older brother who needs to be set free by Jesus?Pastor RayMay 12, 2020TestimoniesRead MoreThe Elder Brother