The Call of the Elijah CompanyPastor Ray provides an overview of prior broadcast and lays out the elements required to be a part of the Elijah company. Pastor RayFebruary 29, 2016TeachingRead MoreThe Call of the Elijah Company
The Three Stages of LifeAre you willing to go all the way with Jesus and fully surrender everything into his hand or are you going to go halfway because your life is about your happiness and consumption?Pastor RayFebruary 21, 2016TeachingRead MoreThe Three Stages of Life
The Coming of Faith (January 20, 2005)What does the coming of faith look like?Pastor RayJanuary 30, 2016TeachingRead MoreThe Coming of Faith (January 20, 2005)
In the Beginning Was the WordWill you enter into the presence of Jesus, and allow Him to cast out all of the darkness? Pastor RayJanuary 26, 2016TeachingRead MoreIn the Beginning Was the Word
Healed by Jesus in the Way That Jesus ChoosesAre you willing to accept healing from Jesus in the way he chooses to deliver it?Pastor RayDecember 29, 2015TeachingRead MoreHealed by Jesus in the Way That Jesus Chooses
The Secret Gift of God the FatherThe wonderful gift of forgiveness is expensive as you'll see...Pastor RayDecember 22, 2015TeachingRead MoreThe Secret Gift of God the Father
The Righteous Will Live by FaithIs Jesus the source and center in ALL things or are we gods?Pastor RayDecember 13, 2015TeachingRead MoreThe Righteous Will Live by Faith
Is God Distant from You?Why is God distant from you (if that's your present reality with Jesus)?Pastor RayDecember 1, 2015TeachingRead MoreIs God Distant from You?