A New Kind of ChurchAre you ready to be a part of this new church?Pastor RayMarch 22, 2021ProphecyRead MoreA New Kind of Church
End Time ApostasyPastor Ray focuses today on the End Time apostasy, which has resulted in a lukewarm church with no power.Pastor RayMarch 15, 2021ProphecyRead MoreEnd Time Apostasy
God is Angry With AmericaWhy is God angry with America, in particular those who identify as Christians.Pastor RayMarch 4, 2021ProphecyRead MoreGod is Angry With America
The Coming of the Son of ManMay we be prepared for the coming of our Lord by a full submission and a heart to serve Him in whatever way He asks of us.Pastor RayFebruary 18, 2021ProphecyRead MoreThe Coming of the Son of Man
America Is Crashing, It’s Time To PrayDo you have a God given burden in prayer for America?Pastor RayJanuary 29, 2021ProphecyRead MoreAmerica Is Crashing, It’s Time To Pray
Recognize the Time of God’s Coming to YouWill you recognize the time of God's coming as Zacchaeus did and "go out on a limb" and do whatever you must to have Jesus?Pastor RayJanuary 25, 2021ProphecyRead MoreRecognize the Time of God’s Coming to You
The Sound of a Mighty StormDo you see the mighty storm descending upon us?Pastor RayDecember 28, 2020ProphecyRead MoreThe Sound of a Mighty Storm
And Then Sudden DestructionPride goeth before destruction...Pastor RayDecember 14, 2020ProphecyRead MoreAnd Then Sudden Destruction
The End of All Things Is NearDo you see that we're near the end of this age??Pastor RayDecember 7, 2020ProphecyRead MoreThe End of All Things Is Near
A Great Awakening!A great awakening is coming!Pastor RayDecember 2, 2020ProphecyRead MoreA Great Awakening!
The Coming DARK WINTERWe thank Jesus for the dark winters that draw our hearts closer to Him.Pastor RayNovember 23, 2020ProphecyRead MoreThe Coming DARK WINTER
The Lincoln Dream, Dana CoverstoneAnother dream from Pastor Coverstone...Pastor RayNovember 18, 2020ProphecyRead MoreThe Lincoln Dream, Dana Coverstone