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Can Revival Be Prayed Down? (2004)

Can revival be prayed down or is it simply a sovereign work of God?

Every revival in the history of the Christian Church came in response to prayer. When an individual is baptized in the Holy Spirit, revival–whether small or large–will always follow. But, as long as we’re content with life as we know it, revival will not come. Because if we’re content, we will never pray for this baptism, and for revival, as if we would not be denied.

So how are we to cry out in our souls for the anointing power of the Holy Spirit? It begins with confessing and forsaking specific sins. This includes not making the Gospel Commission the first priority of my life. Likewise, we obey every command of God and the Holy Spirit. Then will come a sharp discontent with the flood of evil and stagnation of God’s kingdom. This, combined with God’s promises and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, will lead us to prevail in prayer.