Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Is there yet a purging to be done in your soul? If yes, then it's time to honestly admit that.
We must align our will with Jesus in order for Him to break this death covenant.
Have you identified the refuge of lies, perhaps even your own opinions you value over scripture?
May your heart be awakened as you listen to the prayers today.
Don't hide behind excuses because Jesus loves you and wants to set you free!
Is there great joy living under God's power in your life today?
Do you see the radical changes necessary for revival to come?
Do you love something or someone more than you love Jesus?
It's time to pray!
Are you willing to have all greed cast out of your heart by Jesus?
Is the power of Jesus evidenced in your life by all of His changes!
Do you understand what it means to be born from above?