Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Have you had enough of the lies and will you turn to Jesus, and ask Him to uncover any lies you may have believed?
Listen today to find out four causes of backsliding according to John Bunyan...
Have you deceived your own soul by the fallacy of the sinning Christian???
Have you come to an end to the SIN? If not now, when???
You CAN enter into the rest of Jesus (the devil is a liar).
Do you see the incredible need we have for Jesus to intervene on our behalf and are you willing to cry out to Him?
Listen closely to know from the Holy Spirit whether you're taking the name of the Lord in vain.
Do you know that God is a jealous God? Listen to the message to more fully understand.
Do you understand that God is real?
Is there any middle ground in your heart which needs to be yielded to Jesus?
Our live prayer meeting from 1-2 PM on Fridays.
Have you refused to go to Mt. Sinai and are you lost in your religion?