Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Our God is always a God of action but we don't always discern what He is doing. Do you desire to get into action with God? Find out how on today's Pilgrim's Progress.
Hear the call into the desert today? Have you been in this desert? Will you hear the call to be delivered out of the desert today?
God countered satan's deception in the garden of Eden with a secret gift you may have not identified as such. Listen to the message to discover this precious gift of the Father.
What is the glorious message of Christmas? It be different than what you think. Listen as Pastor Ray explains on today's Pilgrim's Progress.
Have you lost your first love as the Church of Ephesus did? Let's take a closer look at this on today's Pilgrim's Progress.
It may appear that this message is about Joseph and it is in some measure but it's more broader, it's for all who will say "YES" to Jesus. Does that include you?
Do you know what you must do to drive the devil out of your life? Listen to today's message and let Jesus do this great work in your heart today.
Today's real message is from these Uganda orphans (Imani Milele Choir). Be blessed as you listen and know that nothing but the blood can set you free.
We're not called to walk under condemnation but rather to live according to the spirit, where there is relief and freedom and full submission to Jesus.
Are you cognizant of the battle for your soul? Let the story from our dear brother Bevington call you to into the battle for your soul and the souls of others.
When Jesus shows up in our life, we no longer can or will have a normal life in the culture we're a part of. Listen closely to toda's message and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart.
Hear the call of Jesus that He is willing to remove all of the leprosy from your life and heal you and give your life purpose and meaning.