Do you know that your life will reflect what you believe? If you believe that the blood of Jesus will make you righteous, that will be the likely reality of your life. Find out more on today's broadcast.
Jesus warning about Lot's wife still holds true today. Listen carefully to this warning from the Holy Spirit to your heart and mine.
Pastor Ray paints us a path from the scriptures today for this house renovation to be completed in our life. Are you willing that this work be completed in your life?
There are indeed two altars and the altar of Ba'al is where most in America worship at. Find out what that is and what the other altar is on today's Pilgrim's Progress.
We are very proud people as Americans and God always opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Which camp are you in today?
Are you willing to allow Jesus to silence the echoes of your past, or will you simply repeat the same sins time after time in an unconscious state?
What does it mean to be on believing ground? Is that where you're standing today, come what may?
Our God is always a God of action but we don't always discern what He is doing. Do you desire to get into action with God? Find out how on today's Pilgrim's Progress.
Hear the call into the desert today? Have you been in this desert? Will you hear the call to be delivered out of the desert today?
God countered satan's deception in the garden of Eden with a secret gift you may have not identified as such. Listen to the message to discover this precious gift of the Father.
What is the glorious message of Christmas? It be different than what you think. Listen as Pastor Ray explains on today's Pilgrim's Progress.
Have you lost your first love as the Church of Ephesus did? Let's take a closer look at this on today's Pilgrim's Progress.