Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
See where Jesus wants the focus of your life to be...
Pastor Ray walks us through the third hearken from Isaiah 51 today.
Another powerful message from the Holy Spirit through G.D. Watson...
Identify the three hearkens as you listen to the message...
At some point in our walk with Jesus, we must choose either to become a love slave to Jesus or to become Saul-like (angry, self-directed, demanding our rights, etc.).
Will you still serve Jesus even there may seem to be no apparent benefit?
Do you hear the call to fully given into the hands of Jesus??
True joy comes to the Christian only as we’re fully in Jesus. It’s not connected to our outward circumstances but rather that we’re fully given to Him.
If you feel that you're in a prison of sorts as a follower of Jesus, then we'd highly suggest that you invest the time to listen to today's encore sermon.
Is your life a sacrificial offering to God?
Personal testimony of Pastor Ray.
Transition from Romans 7 to 8 we all must make...