Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Story of revival and sacrificial giving by listeners, a dynamic combination!
Are you asleep in the light??
Look out when Jesus shows up in someone's life!
Our prayer is you're willing to cry out for this power to come in this nation, as we so desperately need revival.
More from the Argentina revival with an important teaching on flesh vs. spirit...
Today’s message cuts against the false sentimentality of Christmas, with the question of what is your first love?
Then Jesus Came by Clyde Kirby
Is your heart overjoyed with Jesus today, His might, His power, His kindness to you?
Cast all fear upon Jesus as you surrender.
Are you too proud to bow before Jesus?
Have you made that decision to sell out to Jesus?
Is your heart consumed with the trinkets of this world and not the world to come?