Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Have you left the world or is there still a residue of the world in your soul?
Where are you in this great controversy?
Have you entered the school of the Holy Spirit?
Are you willing to serve Jesus come what may?
Do you have a doubting heart toward Jesus?
What three things is God after during this desert time?
Today Pastor Ray begins a new study of the book of Exodus. If you’re a Christian, he has redeemed you for worship and if you’re not a Christian that’s the call to you.
The question that we must answer is whether we will deny our unbelief and pray?
We’re called by Jesus to be more than converted but rather we’re called to be disciples. That’s the real life of a Christian.
Are you willing to end all self-centeredness?
Has God provoked you to pray?
Have you drawn a line in the sand against all darkness?