Message Archives

Bent Toward Heaven

Which way is your heart bent? Listen to this familiar parable that will make you consider where your heart is

For Jesus, Salvation is a Very Personal Thing – 2013

There’s no room in the body of Christ for passivity. Are you active in your walk with Jesus, as demonstrated

The Joy Of The King

Do you know that there was a pre-incarnate Jesus and that He is fully God as well? Pastor Ray walks

Is Jesus God?

If you’ve been taught than Jesus is NOT God, today’s message will help rectify that if you’re willing to listen

Broken At The Wall Of Gods Love

This unique message is both a testimony of Pastor Ray and a specific call to all who will listen to

Entering Heavens Gate

Do you desire the heart of Jesus? Are you interested in entering heaven’s gate? Listen to today’s broadcast to find

The Three Dangers of Cave Life

This is such an important message because every Christian will have a period of cave life to test our hearts.

I Am The Lord, Who Heals You

Will you trust in the promises of God and obey Jesus in the midst of the storm in your life???

Your Red Sea Will Open

Today’s very sobering message is something we need to hear, regardless of how we may feel. Do you need the

An Alarmed Conscience (2014)

The key is whether or not we will be honest before God about our sin. We will either get bitter

Please, Don’t Harden Your Heart

It’s easy to harden your heart but there is another way, which Pastor Ray lays out for us today. Ready

A New Point of View (2014)

Do you have a new point of view that your life is totally given to Jesus and you’re not going

A Peaceful Soul

Jesus intends that we have a peaceful soul, which is devoid of our circumstances. How do we get there, find

He Is Willing To Make You Clean

Do you know that Jesus is willing to make you clean? Have you let him do that in your life

Have You Found Your Place With God?

Do you know how to find your place with God? Listen to the broadcast to find out how this may

Running Out Of Grace

Do you see that we’re running out of grace in this age? It’s time to be earnest and sincere in


Want an overview of all the Beatitudes? You’re in for a treat today as Pastor Ray, with some help from

This Is The Game Changer

Today’s message lays out the real focus of the sermon mount. Open your heart to receive the word of the

Do You Have The Courage To Face Your Heart

Have you allowed Jesus, or will you allow Him to do this work of meekness in your heart or are

The Shame of Being Found Out

Is there great shame in your heart because Jesus has uncovered the darkness in your heart, maybe something you were

Born Again On The Open Road

Do you know the path to being born from above or born again? It begins with our utter poverty of