Message Archives

Over Coming The Darkness

Have you been overcome by the darkness???

Let God Search Your Heart

Is there yet a purging to be done in your soul? If yes, then it’s time to honestly admit that.

Break Your Covenant With Death!

We must align our will with Jesus in order for Him to break this death covenant.

A Refuge of Lies

Have you identified the refuge of lies, perhaps even your own opinions you value over scripture?

Friday Prayer Meeting

May your heart be awakened as you listen to the prayers today.

Top 10 Excuses For Why We Don’t Repent

Don’t hide behind excuses because Jesus loves you and wants to set you free!

The Joy Of Living In God’s Power

Is there great joy living under God’s power in your life today?

The Church Of The Holy Spirit

Do you see the radical changes necessary for revival to come?

What are You Giving For Your Soul

Do you love something or someone more than you love Jesus?

Top Five playlist For New Christians

This posts include powerful sermons to help new Christians in their walk with Jesus.

If Ever We Needed To Pray…

It’s time to pray!

Cast Out All Greed

Are you willing to have all greed cast out of your heart by Jesus?

Is There Yet Power In The Name Of Jesus

Is the power of Jesus evidenced in your life by all of His changes!

Evil Rising in Your Heart

Do you understand what it means to be born from above?

Approaching the Throne of Grace

Will you cry out to Jesus or will you simply sink in your state of languish?

His Resurrection is My Resurrection

Ask yourself the question am I crucified with Christ as you listen.

What Do You Have To Give A Beggar?

This message lays out the need for the Holy Spirit and the message Jesus wants us to deliver.

God Will Bring About Justice

God’s justice is much different than social justice or our own sense of justice.

Driving God From His Sanctuary

Pastor Ray focuses on several chapters in Ezekiel highlighting the idolatry of Israel (and also us).

The Church Wreck

Bonhoeffer defined cheap grace as “the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance, baptism without church discipline.”

United Of One Mind To Pray

Is your heart united to stand with Jesus and the body of Christ against the wickedness of this age?