Message Archives

Jesus WiLL ANSWER Your Prayer!

Powerful prayer meeting, Lord teach us to pray!

The Midnight Hour (Prayer Meeting)

The midnight hour is upon us…

The Beginning of the Great Argentine Revival – 2018

The story of revival in Argentina!

Suffocating Indifference – 2014

Are you slumbering in your indifference?

Violence in the City

Do not succumb to the violence and wickedness of our day, there is true victory in Jesus!

Avenge Me of My Adversary

Are you willing to humble yourself before Jesus and others?

Called to be Free

Are you a natural man or a spiritual man?


Do you hear the sirens in the spirit over America?

The Rejected Blessing

What is entire sanctification?

How Real Do You Want God To Be?

Pastor Ray’s powerful testimony

The Terrible Day of the Lord!

Put on your crash helmets, it’s going to be a wild ride.

Brace Yourself!

Do you sense the impending judgment upon America?

It Is Time to Agonize in Prayer

Do you have this soul agony when you pray?

The Brakes Are Off

Do you sense the burning of the brakes that have held back judgment being destroyed?

Facing the Giants

It’s time to face the giants and trust Jesus for victory.

You Must Have A Deep Inner Calling

What is this deep inner calling?

The Encouragement of God

Have you finally come to the end of yourself?

The Chaff He Will Burn

Are you the wheat or the chaff?

I Am Angry, I’ve Had Enough!

Have you had enough of the kill, steal and destroy routine of the devil and his minions?

We Will Pay the Price For Our Sin

We will pay for our sins that we’ve not repented of but rather cherished to our hearts.

Victory Through Submission

The glorious key to the Christian walk…