The Maturing of Elijah (and the Elijah Company)The Maturing of Elijah (and the Elijah Company)Today’s broadcasts reveals how God transformed Elijah’s heart to where he was neither a pleaser to King Ahab or toContinue reading The Maturing of Elijah (and the Elijah Company) The Faith from God (in the Elijah Company)The Faith from God (in the Elijah Company)Do you have faith from God? The Lord, He IS God!The Lord, He IS God!Is your heart to learn to pray as Elijah did? An End to Self Absorption (in the Elijah Company) (2004)An End to Self Absorption (in the Elijah Company) (2004)One of the implied requirements to being a part of the Elijah company, is an utter end to the selfContinue reading An End to Self Absorption (in the Elijah Company) (2004) The Call of the Elijah CompanyThe Call of the Elijah CompanyPastor Ray provides an overview of prior broadcast and lays out the elements required to be a part of theContinue reading The Call of the Elijah Company The Cleansing Fire of God!The Cleansing Fire of God!Pastor Ray summarizes the week’s broadcasts on the Elijah company and outlines the elements of this company. From Heel-Grabber to Overcomer (in the Elijah Company)From Heel-Grabber to Overcomer (in the Elijah Company)Have you made the transition from heel grabber to overcomer? More about the Elijah CompanyMore about the Elijah Companyre called to become part of the Elijah company, even though at it may at times appear that death mayContinue reading More about the Elijah Company No Caterwauling in the Elijah CompanyNo Caterwauling in the Elijah CompanyWilling to give up the whining when you can’t get what you want? More about Elijah, the Sold Out Man of GodMore about Elijah, the Sold Out Man of GodThe real question is not whether Elijah is like us but whether we will be like Him, sold out toContinue reading More about Elijah, the Sold Out Man of God Will You Be a Part of an Elijah Company?Will You Be a Part of an Elijah Company?What will it take to bring Mt. Carmel back to the modern American church and to you and me, soContinue reading Will You Be a Part of an Elijah Company? Azusa Street, the Rejected Blessing Series (February 2007)Azusa Street, the Rejected Blessing Series (February 2007)A three part series with Pastor Ray and Pastor Jim Kerwin from 2007 all in one post! The Three Stages of LifeThe Three Stages of LifeAre you willing to go all the way with Jesus and fully surrender everything into his hand or are youContinue reading The Three Stages of Life Is God an End, or a Means to an End? (Paris Reidhead, January 1, 1965)Is God an End, or a Means to an End? (Paris Reidhead, January 1, 1965)Is God an end or a means to an end? The Deep Truth about Revival (November 4, 2004)The Deep Truth about Revival (November 4, 2004)Using 2 Chronicles 7:14, Pastor Ray elaborates on what it means to humble our hearts before God. Lay Down All Self InterestsLay Down All Self Interests“If anyone comes to me and does not have single-minded loyalty to Me over his father and mother, and wifeContinue reading Lay Down All Self Interests Back to the Ancient PathsBack to the Ancient PathsListen to this urgent message from the Holy Spirit outlining the Christian heritage of America and earnestly seek that ancientContinue reading Back to the Ancient Paths Are You Making Progress toward Heaven?Are You Making Progress toward Heaven?Pastor Ray asks the critical question are you making progress toward heaven? Prepare Now for ServicePrepare Now for ServiceWhere is your treasure? Sifted Saints (April 27, 2003)Sifted Saints (April 27, 2003)Have you crossed that obedience line where all has been given to Jesus or has your faith failed and you’veContinue reading Sifted Saints (April 27, 2003) When God Stepped Down from Heaven!When God Stepped Down from Heaven!It takes sold-out nobodies for revival to come, will you be one of those precious ones or is your ownContinue reading When God Stepped Down from Heaven! « Previous 1 … 101 102 103 104 105 … 108 Next »