Message Archives

Breaking the Lethargy – 2017

Has the love in your heart toward Jesus grown dim? It’s likely evidence of lethargy, listen and find out what

Secret of a Sacred Place – 2008

King David has a secret for you that Pastor Ray will share during the message today.

The Joy of Believing (2006)

Find out the joy of believing as you listen to Pastor Ray in this sermon from 2006.

Strength in the Lord – 2004

Do you know how to find your strength in Jesus Christ? Isn’t it time you left the Philistines behind??

YouTube Shorts

Some bite size nuggets from our Pilgrim’s Progress broadcast and sermons.

A Backslider Restored

Find out the keys to restoration and an awakening. Do you need to be restored?

At Jesus Feet (2008)

Do you need to get to Jesus and then to simply stay there? It’s a cry to get to Jesus,

True Intimacy with God (Encore)

Do you have true intimacy with God? Are you willing to pay the price for this to occur?

Saved Out Of My Sin

Has Jesus saved you out of your sin? Here the love of God from the heart of Jesus as you

You CANNOT Be Saved in Your Sin

You’ll never be released from prison until the lie of the sinning Christian has been broken from your heart.

Absolute Surrender

Do you hear the call to make an absolute surrender to Jesus? He desires to do this now!

Beginning of the Argentinian Revival

He must increase and I must decrease is stated in John Chapter 3 but must be worked out in our

The Parable of the Sower

The focus of this parable is upon what we do and where our heart is given to. Listen to more

Suffocating Indifference

Is there a suffocating indifference to Jesus in your heart? Will you face it honestly before HIm?

Choose to be an Overcomer

Are you willing to do whatever Jesus asks of you to be made into an overcomer?

Pilgrims Progress Story Time Episode 13

Remember Lot’s wife as you listen to today’s Pilgrim’s Progress story time. Stay on the path!

The Mission of Gods People

Do you know what the first mission of God’s people? Listen to this simple message and find out today…

The Turning Point

If you’re listening to this message, Jesus wants to totally transform you. Will you let Him?

Venturing Out on the Promises of God

Have you ventured out on the promises of God or have you been detoured by the enemy of your soul?

The Treasure of Your Heart

Have you considered what is the treasure of your heart?

The Road into the Heart of Jesus

Find out what the road into the heart of Jesus and how to get there in today’s Pilgrim’s Progress.