Message Archives

A New Reality In Jesus

Pastor Ray walks us through this new reality of walking in Jesus, as laid out in Romans 8.

Divine Healing

Do you believe in divine healing no matter what it looks like? It seems impossible until we’re willing to put

No Longer Driven – (2004 Sermon)

Hear the call of the Spirit to no longer be driven by the desires of the flesh but rather to

Praying Through To Victory

Do you know how to pray through to victory by the power of Jesus? Listen as Pastor Ray walks us

He Walked In The Presence Of God

We must choose the path of the flesh, represented today by the self-indulgent Eli versus the sold-out one to Jesus,

He Will Bring Salvation

The focus today is upon preparing for Jesus’ return, which must happen in this life. Jesus wants to destroy the

Do Not Turn Away From God’s Kindness

God’s kindness leads us to repentance, which leads into this life in the Spirit but we have to leave the

Sifted Saints (2003 Sermon)

All will be sifted who say that Jesus is everything to them. Find out what the purpose of the sifting

Back To Basics Concerning The Law

In today’s message, Pastor Ray lays out the purpose of the law in a clear, succinct way. Are you still

Trials and Blessings In Revival

Hear the call of Jesus through the Holy Spirit to get serious about following Him. Pastor Ray lays out some

Are You Ignorant Of The Real Gospel?

The starting point for many of us who have left our sinful lives is to recognize our ignorance of the

Present Yourself Righteous Before The Lord

Are you willing to present yourself righteous (or innocent) before the Lord, laying down everything before Him? Are you resting

Valley of Achor

Listen as Pastor Ray lays out the door of Achor that will become a door of hope, if we’re willing

Trust in the Lord

Today’s message is a combination of Psalm 27 and Matthew 6, which go hand in hand. The secret to getting

Weeping For The Coming Destruction

Pastor Ray lays out the foundation for his preaching on today’s Pilgrim’s Progress. It’s simple, straightforward and straight from the

The Joy Of Living In Jesus

Do you have the joy of living in Jesus? Have you been crucified once-for-all with Jesus and has He resurrected


Hear the word of the Lord to our hearts to get serious with Jesus and to leave all of the

Can You See It? (2003 Encore Sermon)

Can you see what God is calling for and what He wants to do in your life? May we lay

Our God Is Real

How do we discover that our God is real? We have to come to an end of ourselves. Are you

The Testing Of Our Hearts

If you’re a follower of Jesus, know that you WILL be tested to see if will lay everything down for

Faith Is A Currency

Listen as Pastor Ray lays out that faith is a currency given to us where we can be freed of