God Is Cleaning Up His ChurchGod Is Cleaning Up His ChurchGod is cleaning up His church and the question is whether we’ll cooperate with Him (through repentance and obedience) orContinue reading God Is Cleaning Up His Church Just The Facts PleaseJust The Facts PleaseToday’s message is about all that Jesus did for us, even while we yet sinners as one of the EpistlesContinue reading Just The Facts Please How Are We To Return?How Are We To Return?Here the wake up call to the church as the return of Jesus is upon us. Will you wake up? A Life of Love (2010)A Life of Love (2010)Does your life reflect a life of love given to you by Jesus? Jesus wants this to flow through yourContinue reading A Life of Love (2010) The Offence Of The CrossThe Offence Of The CrossFind out today how to get out from under the curse of sin and why the cross is an offenceContinue reading The Offence Of The Cross My Heart Is BrokenMy Heart Is BrokenToday’s story from John 8 clearly lays out the gospel message but will you leave your life of sin??? Drink the Blood of JesusDrink the Blood of JesusWhat does it mean to drink the blood of Jesus and to eat the broken body of Jesus from JohnContinue reading Drink the Blood of Jesus My Flesh Is Real FoodMy Flesh Is Real FoodWhat are you feeding upon dear one? If someone closely examined your life would they see that you’re feeding uponContinue reading My Flesh Is Real Food Secrets of the HeartSecrets of the HeartGod knows all about the secrets of our hearts. Will you allow Him to uncover these secrets, so that youContinue reading Secrets of the Heart Born Of GodBorn Of GodHave you been born of God? If that’s the desire of your heart, Jesus wants to grant that desire. HearContinue reading Born Of God The Lost SonThe Lost SonAre you the lost son (or perhaps the lost daughter)? Find out the keys to him getting back home withContinue reading The Lost Son The Lost CoinThe Lost CoinAre you searching after the lost coin? Where is your heart absorbed and is it absorbed with the kingdom ofContinue reading The Lost Coin The Lost SheepThe Lost SheepToday’s message is something to reflect upon, as we’re very much apt to miss that still, quiet voice of theContinue reading The Lost Sheep Revival is Like Judgment DayRevival is Like Judgment DayThis is the last message of Dr. J. Edwin Orr who passed away shortly after delivering this message. Meeting the Risen LordMeeting the Risen LordOn today’s broadcast, Pastor Ray reads the story of Rees Howell’s conversion, from the book Rees Howells, Intercessor. Have youContinue reading Meeting the Risen Lord The Inner Life Of A ChristianThe Inner Life Of A ChristianWhat is this inner life that must be yielded to Jesus? Find out as Pastor Ray walks us through thisContinue reading The Inner Life Of A Christian Dig Up The Pride Of Your HeartDig Up The Pride Of Your HeartDo you see the need to dig up the pride of your heart? This is something we all must doContinue reading Dig Up The Pride Of Your Heart Your Sins Are ForgivenYour Sins Are ForgivenThere are two things that Jesus wants to do but are largely absent in the modern American church. Listen toContinue reading Your Sins Are Forgiven Blessings or Curses – 2004Blessings or Curses – 2004Do you know where you’re at, are you living under the spiritual blessings laid in Ephesians or are you underContinue reading Blessings or Curses – 2004 I Cast Myself On The Mercy Of The LordI Cast Myself On The Mercy Of The LordThe story of blind Bartimaeus holds the secrets in our efforts to get to Jesus. Are You a Christian?Are You a Christian?Where are your roots? That will reveal whether you are a Christian or not. « Previous 1 … 11 12 13 14 15 … 109 Next »