Photo Of Man Sleeping On Sofa

The Unconscious Pilgrim (2013)

This is one of the most disturbing stories in the scriptures because God wanted to deliver Lot but He will never make us follow Him. Have you followed in Lot's footsteps and if so are you willing to repent of your wickedness?

Scriptures Used During Today’s Broadcast: Genesis 19

The title of today’s broadcast is a misnomer of sorts because it’s not possible to be an unconscious pilgrim unless we’ve hit the pause button on this journey to the Celestial City. At that point, then we’re backslidden.

Pastor Ray lays out the pilgrimage of Lot, which significantly contributed to the death of his wife and incestual incidents between Lot and his daughters. That’s where Lot’s path led him, the wages of sin is always death. All of God’s efforts to awaken Lot appeared to be ineffectual. Lot’s pilgrimage focused on fulfilling the lusts of the flesh (appeasing his wife and children, being successful, being someone, etc.).

Listen as Pastor Ray walks us through this painful story. If you’ve been convicted for being a “Lot” then you must humbly repent before God of the things you have made more important than your life with Jesus. It’s not too late to do that, today is the day of salvation (See 2 Cor. 6:2).

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