
Tremble Before God

Do we tremble before God as beggars, knowing that we cannot make our life work on our own or are you the rich man, the can-do person who thinks he's a little god.
7-17-2024 Tremble Before God

Scriptures Used During Today’s Broadcast: Luke 16:19-31 (also in John 5:39-47)

Pastor Ray walks us through the story of Lazarus and the rich man on today’s Pilgrim’s Progress. There are two primary questions raised in this parable. Who do we identify as, is it as a poor beggar (i.e. blessed are the poor in spirit) or as a rich or self-sufficient person who can get it done (not poor in spirit). If you’re an American Christian, you can identify as both the rich man and the beggar.

Secondly, what attitude do we have to the spiritual and physical beggars in our life, which are those who are on the broad road to hell. Are we full of judgments against them or are we willing to lay our lives so that these dear ones can find Jesus?

It’s quite a simple message but a lot to ponder over.