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The Agony of Obedience (2003)

What is the agony of obedience and how do we embrace this and have you actually embraced it in your walk with Jesus?

Scriptures Used During today’s broadcast: 1 Peter 2:24, John 12

Have you faced the agony of obedience, which comes to every Christian, or have you tried to evade it? The great temptation is to do anything other than to go to the prayer closet or numb us out in some way through food, entertainment, etc… If you’ve tried to avoid this, the Holy Spirit will bring you back time after time until you fully understand what the Father is after in your life.

“If you don’t get it to the prayer closet, you’re going to disobey and you’re going to walk away and you’re going to blow it off. You’ve got to get to the prayer closet.”

Pastor Ray during today’s message

Have you found your place in Jesus, and will you thank you Jesus for this bridge into a deeper life of service to Him?