The Scourge of Pride – 2016

Find out what the scourge of pride is and the cure for it from the scriptures on today's broadcast.

Scriptures used in today’s message: Ephesians 5:8-11, Romans 13:11-14, James 4

As noted in the title, this message was preached a number of years ago. It’s a call to awaken from your sleep. Many in the modern church are asleep with no conviction to bring them to repentance. This slumbering hides the hatred or enmity to God so that God cannot deal with our sin until we’ve come out of this state.

It takes determined effort to wake up and begin to allow the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart, to cause you to do things that no normal person would possibly do. I mean, what normal person is going to repent? It’s obviously the other person’s fault.

Pastor Ray during today’s message

That’s why I call pride a scourge because connected to that pride is hatred for God.

Pastor Ray during today’s message

Have you honestly dealt with your hatred to God? If not, this message will help you immensely as you allow the Holy Spirit to uncover your heart, repent and get clean by the blood of Jesus.